Monday, June 19, 2006

Preparing for Oaxaca

After a crazy day of trying to get ready to leave for Mexico (in just three days now!) we had such a sweet evening as a family. We ate dinner out on the deck, and just as we were finishing up the ice cream truck came by so the girls all got giant ice cream bars, which they ate down at the park while playing soccer with dad. It was one of those evenings that just seemed touched by the Lord. Thank you for all of your prayers. What a blessing to have such a sweet night in the midst of the chaos right now. Please keep 'em coming over the next two weeks!

Abby keeps learning new words. "Whatcha reading Mommy?" "Missionary. Go tell people 'bout Jesus." "I...AM...STOKED!" (If that last one doesn't tell you she's ALL Loren...) Jaime brought home a book of papers from first grade. One is a career sheet asking what she wants to be when she grows up. Now granted, this changes every few months, but right now it's a missionary. She even drew a picture of herself giving someone a Bible. Our prayer is primarily that our lives will glorify the Lord, but I pray, too, that in the process our girls will see Christ and believe.

Now it's off to bed before another day of packing...


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