Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Pregnancy Week 8

GREAT news today regarding our pregnancy! We met with the perinatologist today. She did another ultrasound and baby looks great...growing good and strong heartbeat, and about eight weeks old. She said that with those indicators, it is very unlikely that I will miscarry 1st trimester (in the next four weeks). With that, she said I did not have to take progesterone! She had my latest bloodwork, and it all looked NORMAL!! She did order another five tubes of blood drawn to test for various other disorders that my regular OB didn't test for, but assuming those are good, we won't need heparin injections!! This was SUCH good news...

Otherwise, the plan is to ultrasound baby every four weeks to check for low amniotic fluid, slow growth, slow heartbeat, or anything else that might raise alarms, and go see Dr. McKenna every two weeks to check and be sure that my body isn't kicking into preterm labor. We'll probably start non stress tests at about 28-29 weeks, but she doesn't want to do those until she could do something about any signs of distress. She said she'd be very reluctant to take a 24 week old baby based on a machine's readings.

So, it went great. We see Dr. McKenna (my regular OB) right after we get back from Oaxaca, and then see her in mid-July and mid-August for ultrasounds.

Thank you SO much for all of your prayers. We do not take for granted the little flickering heartbeat we saw today, and know that every day we have this little one here is a blessing we are completely undeserving of (isn't every blessing?). We serve such a gracious God, and we are praising Him today. Thanks again for continuing to lift us, and this little one, up. If the Lord wills it, we'll be holding him or her come January.

Loren and Megan


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