Monday, October 30, 2006

Chicken Pox, Baby!

Well, now Emily and Abby have 'em too. I haven't seen Emily yet (we get her back in the morning) but I hear she's doing great, as did Jaime when she had them two weeks ago.

Then there is Abby. I would estimate she slept about four hours last night, and is just miserable. She probably has over 200 spots on her, the worst being on her face and groin. The spots are coming close to her eyes, so after her crying all morning at any light and a scary trip to the doctor, she is now on oral and topical (in her eyes) antiviral medication to help with the severity of the chicken pox, as well as a prescription antihistamine to help her get more comfortable. We can also give her liquid Maloxx, to help with the sores in her mouth and down her throat, which are leaving her gasping the little bit she is able to sleep. She's not out of the woods yet, as far as her eyes go, so keep praying that the antiviral does its trick and she does not continue to worsen!

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Lily, In Pictures

Here's some ultrasound pictures...

First, here's Lily at six weeks, looking like a bat hanging in a cave.

Here are a few pictures taken at 24 weeks. She was NOT cooperating, as you can tell by the arms over her face.

And here's the ones from this week:

Pregnancy Week 26

Sorry it's been so long since we updated! Everything is going great! We had an ultrasound yesteday, and Lily was flipping around and posing for the camera. Her growth is right on track, and the non stress tests we've had have shown a strong, healthy heartbeat.

Right now we're setting a tentative induction date of January 19th, but we'll see as it gets closer. I'll be 35 weeks on December 26th, and I am planning on hopping on the treadmill and jogging until I go into labor!

Anyway, God is SO good, and each day He gives us with this little girl is a gift. Thank you for all of your prayers as we continue this walk of faith.

Love, The Bakers