Saturday, July 15, 2006

Pregnancy Week 11

This week has been a busy one. For those of you who have not heard, we are moving, probably at the end of August. We'll still be in Spokane, just on the north side of town, in a HOUSE with GRASS!!! So, we've started packing, and I am expecting it to take until the end of next month, at this rate.

Nothing new with the pregnancy this week, but I wanted to share a quote from a book I read. "If I had been offered a movie role when I was pregnant, I could've played an amazing Psycho Chick...The things is, yhou know what you're saying is crazy. You are very aware that you're screaming and the veins in your face are pulsating, and it's all over something as stupid as running out of mayonnaise. But knowing that you're being crazy and doing anything to stop yourself are two very different things."

I don't think I'm that bad, but prayers for Loren still wouldn't hurt! Next Wednesday will be another doctor appointment and an ultrasound...

Pregnancy Week 10

This is pitifully late, but I'll give you the highlights. I went to the doctor and found out that my bloodwork was NORMAL! So, the last of the testing is over! The plan right now is that I do not have to be on any medications, and for the next three months I will be going to the doctor every other Wednesday. Every fourth Wednesday I will have an ultrasound. At six months pregnant, I will begin having an ultrasound, non-stress test, and doctor appointment every week. The reasoning behind all of the ultrasounds is to monitor baby's growth and the amniotic fluid levels. The reason it gets more intense in the sixth month is not because the risk increases, but because at that point they would consider taking the baby if there was a problem, whereas up until then they would not be able to do anything about it. So right now I am due January 30th, and will probably be induced on the 23rd at the latest. Another January baby!

I got to hear the baby's heartbeat for the first time. My doctor laughed and said that according to wives' tales the heartrate indicated a girl (fast heartbeat). It would be fitting with the pattern, wouldn't it?