Friday, November 28, 2008

Thanksgiving...Boys and Guns

So it has been a while but here is our latest attempt at blogging. We went to Montana to Loren Sr. and Linda's house and brought along three good friends, Joe, Tyler, and Juan. Loren's brother, Joel, came over and we did some hunting. It was a hoot.

Here is the day we hunted. took about an hour total from the time we left the house, shot the deer, gutted it, and drove back and began butchering. Only in Butte.

Joel...the great hunter. Right through the heart on one shot.

Joe...kissing the deer. (They are city boys you know.)

They did hold it while dad gutted it.

Megan questioning if we really did shoot the animal.

Did I mention dad let the boys ride the 4 Wheelers? I think they had a good time even if Juan almost got splatted.

Tyler, reporting for duty. He does have a driver's permit thankfully.

Juan reving up the engine.

Here's a great picture of Juan.

Overall it was a great time and God was good to give us time at the hot springs, playing marathon sessions of Puerto Rico, old school Nintendo, and even a night talking about the book of Jude.

Thank you grandpa and grandma for the time at the ranch. It was fun!

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Friday, November 07, 2008

School Days...Speech Meet

Here are some pics of Emily and her sister Alyssa on the way back from Moscow, Idaho after the regional Classical Christian school speech meet.

This was Emily's second straight year making it to Regionals. We are so proud of here. We stopped off at Steptoe Butte to take in the view. Wow.