Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Goodbye You Dirty Hippy!

Abby got her first haircut yesterday, and Loren got what FELT like his first haircut. First Abby...

Here's Loren BEFORE...

And AFTER...


Fun At The Lake

This weekend, in celebration of Grandma and Grandpa's first wedding anniversary (congratulations!) we went to Great Grandpa Dick's cabin on Priest River. Here's some pictures of our day...

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

More pictures

Here's Lily with Great Grandpa Dick...

And a close up of Miss Lily

This is Lily with Lizzie, my cousin Jaime's daughter. They were born a little over a month apart. The next one is Abby and Lily with Lizzie and her big sister, Ruthie, who is a few months younger than Abby. Poor Abby is the odd man out with her blonde, curly hair and blue eyes. Every time I said I wanted a "McLellan Baby" this is what I meant. Darker skin, dark hair and eyes. Thank you Jesus!

Monday, July 02, 2007

Negligent Parenting

If the video is not enough...listen to the running commentary.

No. This did not end with us at the emergency room. Just a cut lip and some tears. Nothing a long hug and some ice cream couldn't cure.

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