The Greatest of These

October 21, 2004, my father ceased to abide. The malignant brain tumor that ravaged his body finally stilled even his heart. His life is no more. No more do my sister and I have our father. His presence in his grandchildren's lives is finished. His plans to complete another marathon, his intimate friendships, his painfully stupid jokes and love of cigars, his giftedness with apple pies and his soft smokey voice weaving elaborate tales around a campfire...all went to the grave seven years ago.
And yet.
And yet, his faith is no more. Seven years ago, it too ceased to remain. It ceased as he left his broken, earthly body and woke in the presence of his beautiful Savior. What we see partially, he sees fully. Faith no longer remains.
And yet, his hope is no more. No longer is he hoping for an end to the suffering here. There is no longer a fight, minute by minute, to walk in the Spirit. He is freed from sin. And most glorious of all, he is with God. All the time. Every day. For eternity. He can look upon Christ, behold His wounds, fall at His feet in overwhelming gratitude for the One who did what we could not. Hope no longer remains.
And yet.
And yet, seven years later, love remains. Love remains here, as we weep and hurt and remember. Love remains as our children grow and experience new things and I long for him to be here to see them. Love remains as his oldest daughter walks down the aisle with a handkerchief of her daddy's, even smelling of his cologne.
And love remains as my father is clothed in Christ's righteousness, praising Him for all eternity for what He did because of His great love for us. Truly, love is the greatest of these.
Therefore today, we rejoice. Not in cancer, not in a life lived with my dad's absence, not in the profound pain forever intertwined in the memories of those last days of saying goodbye. No, we rejoice in faith becoming sight. In hope becoming reality. In Love conquering sin and death and Love waiting to spend eternity with us.
Seven years ago today, my dad's life ended.
Seven years ago today, my dad's life began.